Friday, January 16, 2009

Triple Dog Dare Snares Another One

When it's this cold out, simply saying "it's cold" is the ultimate understatement. Frigid, stupid chilly, gelidity, deep freezer, the Most Not-Warm Day Ever, etc. are better descriptors, but still don't get the whole "I'm freezing my identity off" conditions across. I often jokingly tell the kids "don't stick your tongue on anything metal today!" (we love A Christmas Story!). Having grown up in a home with metal ice cubes trays in the freezer, I know the hazard and bizarre circumstance of having a body part frozen to an inanimate object. Funny at first, but then "ou-ouch." And your instinct to pull away quickly - NOT GOOD.

But it looks as though not everyone recognizes the danger: Triple Dog Dare Snares Another

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