Thursday, October 16, 2008

Simply the Best...

I'll have to admit birthdays do NOT get easier the older you get. We're at the "halfway" stage at our house: "Hey, Mom, you're halfway to 70!", etc. (DISCLAIMER: any age depicted in this post is fictional. And don't ask) I cringe at the numerical marker, but I love my birthdays because my kids and husband always knock my socks off.

This year they decorated the house with "Happy Birthday" banners, left the cutest birthday note for me, and my husband actually baked me a cake! I got to choose between red velvet and German chocolate! (And yes, that's my son giving the cake bunny ears in the top pic) My oldest daughter Kelcey even smuggled cooking supplies to her boyfriend's house and made me a cake, too (strawberry!!). Double cakes! How cool is that? To put the cherry on the day, they gave me a cool new ice cream maker.

One of the best days ever. I love my crew :)


Snooker said...

They gave you an ice cream maker? Did you have to make your own ice cream or were they cool enough to make the first batch for you?

Anonymous said...

Good Lord! I remembered my mother in-laws b-day on that day, and made sure to get her a card (from her son) but forgot to send one to my sister in-law. I'm so bad. Sorry. Happy Belated B-Day anyway. Nothin' better than homemade ice cream! We should know, we make our share here in good ol' Norwich USA!!

Anonymous said...

Well you'll always be older than me! HA..HA!! Sounds like you had a good one. Happy Birthday!!
Love you! Julie