NO - it's not a duck. But it must be soft and absorbent, yet fluffy, won't slide all over the tiled floor when stepped upon by dripping feet, and has to match four innocuous colors - and we're not talking cerulean blue here. (And I don't want a tank or lid cover or anything that even remotely resembles "toilet clothing". I just can't go there.)
Am I asking too much? I've been to six stores, made four purchases, (and the by the end of today, four returns) and still no plain and simple bath mat. WHY IS THIS SO DIFFICULT? I'm not picky. I'm even open to new ideas. And I'm not really cheap (though I do draw the line at $80 for a 2x3 rug). Is there a particular patron saint I need to bury upside down in my yard so this perfect bath mat will be revealed to me?? (hey - it worked for my friend when she sold her house, I'm willing to try)
This is gonna sound silly, but you know how much I love nyeh.
What's wrong with a duck bathmat? Personally, I like interesting bathmats. Then again, I'm a strange person...
(btw, try Maturinus, the patron saint of plumbers. That's the closest I could find to bathmats. He's also the patron saint of comic actors, jesters, and clowns, as well as the patron saint of sailors and tinmen. XD)
Are you referring to MY St. Joseph statue (well, more like a knick knack)? Would you like to borrow it? I know what you mean about trying to find the most mundane thing. It took me 6 months to find just the right trash can for my bathroom. Linda
Yes! I may need to borrow him ASAP :)
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