Monday, January 12, 2009

Walking the Walk

We're so lucky - we live close to our elementary school. Yes, my kids will miss out on the daily routine of bouncing to and from their education on vinyl bus seats, but I'm OK with that. 

Each morning my husband walks our kiddos to school. Each afternoon I walk them home. It's great to get out and see the neighborhood, interact with the other parents, and embrace the elements! Even bad weather (snow, rain, wind) isn't so bad when you're bundled up and walking with people you know.

Walking to school is a great deal, too, in that it eliminates unnecessary vehicle traffic in the neighborhood, cuts down on exhaust fumes in the vicinity of young lungs, and, of course, shrinks gas costs as short car trips are not very fuel-efficient. I wish everyone had the opportunity.

Our local grocery is right down the road so we walk there, too, provided we don't have a huge shopping list. The kids are so used to it, they ask "do we have to take the car?" if we head for the garage instead of the sidewalk. We love it!

Check out out KUDL's new web page, 1Thing. Our wonderful partner, Bridging the Gap, has great ideas for cutting down on emissions and getting healthy. Check out the Walking School Bus info, too. It's a great way to do good for our world, and get in some kid time while you're at it.

Do you walk in your neighborhood? How are you cutting back on your carbon footprint?

1 comment:

Monkey Mom said...

Back where I come from they call it a "walking school bus". I think it's a great idea!